Fueling Your Small Business Fire

Fueling Your Small Business Fire

According to Forbes, on average during 2015 businesses with less than $5 million in annual revenue experienced 7.8% annual sales growth. Is your small business feeling that growth? Odds are if you are a small business retailer, the answer is not so much.

There are a number of strategies small retailers can employ to stoke online sales growth. Here are few ideas to get you going. Try them out and see which of these best help you to reach your ideal customer.
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The Brand Integrity Equation

The Brand Integrity Equation

When you hear or see the word “brand,” what do you think of? A logo? A slogan or tag line? A character? That’s what many consumers would think of.

Now, put on your MarCom hat – what do you think of? Brand identity, brand promise, mission, vision, logo, colors, tone-of-voice, visuals, taglines, personas, marketing touchpoints…

Sure. But that’s not all. A brand is made up of the sum of ALL its parts, not just the ones that marketers focus on. Brand identity is delivered to consumers through an organization’s products and services, its sales team, its pricing, its product development, its customer service, even its fine print.

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Facebook Scrapbook Examples

Tag Your Kiddos in New Facebook Scrapbooks

If you are anything like me, you may post a few photos of your kids on Facebook. OK… more than a few. One thing that has always bugged me is that there is no way to tag my littlest kiddos in photos because they are too young to have their own Facebook profiles (the age limit is 13, people!). I thought it’d be sups awesome if there was a way to create almost like a placeholder profile for our underage kids so that when they hit 13 and join the site we wouldn’t have to go back through our photos and tag hundreds and hundreds (and, SERIOUSLY, hundreds!) of pics dating all the way back to birth.

WHOA – It’s like Facebook read my mind. The platform just launched Scrapbooks as a way for parents to tag photos of their kids who do not yet have a Facebook profile. YAY!!!

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Let’s Get Visual! Let Me See Your Content Talk!

There’s a reason that popularity of social sites like Instagram and Pinterest have skyrocketed recently.  It is the same reason that you used to be drawn to the stories in the newspaper that had images associated with them (hey! remember when you actually held a newspaper in your hand and read it?).  By design, we’re visual beings.  We’re built to see a wide spectrum of colors, depth and texture.

But the reason we’re drawn to imagery goes beyond that – when we view imagery, we each see something unique and we connect emotionally to the visual by creating our meaning for it.  Visuals make more lasting impressions because we process them differently than we do text.  According to a recent LinkedIn blog post, when we process imagery we are using 75% of our sensory neurons.  Imagery has become the new headline.  In this new fast-paced world where we’re dealing with a barrage of messages and continuous noise via every social channel, imagery is what we (marketers) need to use to capture the attention of our audience.

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